Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Today was both amazing and physically challenging. From Rabanal del Camino it is a steady climb to the Cruz de Ferro (about 5 miles out). From there is pretty much downhill for the next 16 miles. They were really rough paths, rocky and craggy as you will see from the pictures.

This colorful little guy greeted us on our way out of Rabanal del Camino

This is the Cruz de Ferro. Here pilgrims bring votives, usually a stone, that they have carried to this point. To leave something here is demonstrate that you have come on the journey with purpose. Jannette, Seth and I left stones (below). We met a wonderful couple from Austin TX who were doing the Camino in honor of two friends who had died. At the cross they left a picture and dedicatory to one of them (that they pinned to the crosses post). They have carried the ashes of their friends; the ashes of one was left here and the other is being carried to Santiago de Compostela. 

(our stones are the three to the right)

As you can see the views are spectacular!

Se came to a one-man town (Manjarín) where this very strange fellow lives and tells stories about the Templar Knights.

The downhill descent begins to get more serious.

En Acebo de San Miguel

Carved piece on one of the balconies with symbols associated with the pilgrimage

Passing through Riego de Ambrós we dropped down to follow a creek. The path was a real challenge!

Gratefully there was beauty to be found.

We finally made it to Molinaseca where we came first to this church that had a water fountain with some very sweet, cold water.

We headed towards a Roman bridge that crosses the river and were on our way for another 6 kilometers for Ponferrada

Up next: A needed rest in Ponferrada.

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