Friday, June 10, 2022

Stage 23: PALAS DE REI to RIBADISO (17.32 miles)

 Today's hike was long and a little stressful physically, but what hasn't a little stressful over the last 400+ miles? Here are some things from along the way...

This is the bridge going into Melide. This point in the trail is where the pilgrims from the French way meet up with pilgrims coming in from the Northern trail that runs through Oviedo.

View from the bridge above.


While leaving Melide we came across this graveyard called O Castelo. Rarely in Galicia do you see anything but these mausoleums.

So, we are walking along and come across these two young men playing a gaita (Galician version of a bagpipe) and a drum. There is a very strong Celtic influence in northwestern Spain.

I loved this stone bridge. I can't imagine who placed those huge stones nor who did it.

Just outside of Ribadiso. Ready for a good night's rest before the next leg tomorrow.

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