Saturday, June 4, 2022


 So, we left Ponferrada headed to Villafranca del Bierzo. Leaving the city (or any city for the most part) offers some interesting perspectives, art and experiences. Leaving Ponferrada we came upon these pieces of "art" painted on the columns holding up the highway. They are interesting and reflect an attitude about our world:

These sculptures were part of the outdoor exhibit at the Museum of Energy. I am not sure how they fit with energy, but you can also imagine what the other side of the statues appeared! Human energy?

Just as we were leaving Ponferrada proper we came upon this little church. Churches like these are found all along the Camino but not always open. Fortunately, it was open and the little lady caretaker took us in. Not an amazing church but quaint and obviously loved by its patrons.

This is San Roque, the patron of Pilgrims. You see that he is pointing to a wound on his thigh. According to legend he heals those travelers who fall victim to harm or disease.

A very interesting Last Supper painted in 1742. To the far right you see Judas clutching his money purse. An element that I haven't seen in other Last Supper paintings is the dog sitting at the feet of Jesus. It reminds me of the scripture from Matthew 15:26-28 where a Canaanite woman comes asking the Savior for a blessing and the following dialogue ensues:

It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.
And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table.
Then Jesus answered and said unto her. O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Yeah!!! We are under 200 kilometers from our goal.

So much of what we have seen in the vineyards has been an incredibly rocky soil. I don't know how they produce anything.

Cute little hermitage dedicated to San Roque

Tessa is out cat lover and feeds cats all along the Camino. She found this little stray kitty and took it to the vet to be checked out. She found a nice home for it!

We stayed in an old converted monastery in Villafranca del Bierzo.

We have been very blessed. Every day there has been a forecast for rain and each day so far not a drop. The skies have cleared up and the storm clouds have kept their distance. Very grateful!

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