Friday, May 13, 2022

Stage 5: ESTELLA to LOS ARCOS (13.95 miles)

Today's prompt:

Walk with a stranger today.  Make them less strange by getting to know them.  Why are they doing the Camino?  What has been their most meaningful experience thus far? What lessons have they learned that you would like to learn?

I had the chance to visit with several people along the way. I had a lovely visit with a couple from Ireland. They have spent several trips doing pieces of the Camino. I also had a lovely (yet brief) visit with sisters from Málaga. One of them will be celebrating her 80th birthday in just a few days. I was so impressed with her enthusiasm and zeal for living. I would be lucky to be as energetic as she is at her age. Talking to others always brings into view the beauty that others have and can share.

Here is what we saw today:

Exiting out the gate from Estella through a gate located at the end of the Jewish quarter.

One of the unusual sights along the way just outside of Estella is the "Fountain of Wine." At the fountain is a water tap (where Seth's bottle is located on the right) and a wine tap (where he is reaching to show you the valve). The rule is that you can drink just enough from your water bottle, but no more. They even have a camera that watches the site!

So we head off into a forested route... 

There are always moments of silliness, especially when it involves Seth...

In the distance is a medieval castle. Below is a closer look.

The countryside is amazing. Fields and fields and fields of barley, wheat, vineyards...

We came to a crossroad where this sweet lady was playing her accordian. We dropped a few céntimos in her boxed. I turned to take a picture and she posed, smiled and nodded us on...

Ermita de la Virgen de la Guarda

Entering Los Arcos

This afternoon we took the students to La Iglesia de Santa María where again we sang. We have developed quite a following of pilgrims who ask where and when we will sing. We have made some fine acquaintances in the process. Here is the Church. It is insanely ornate. The organ is especially interesting.

The students contemplating their world!


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