Sunday, May 8, 2022

Pre-Roncesvalles Stop in Pamplona

Pamplona is a vibrant and interesting city. When we arrived on Saturday the whole city was engaged in celebrations where "peñas" or social groups stand outside of "their" taverns and dance, sing, drink, play music, and just have all kinds of fun. We were on San Nicolás street which I think was the loudest! We could hardly get through the streets. There was this group dancing down the street with large bell-drums (below). Very interesting.

Pamplona is also home to some of the best sausages, jamón serrano and cheese around. I couldn't resist this place!

We went to this lovely (and amazingly clean) park near our hotel. the students just couldn't help goofing around so I had them do a jumping picture. This is an amazing group of students.
So, we walked down the street where for the celebration of San Fermín they have the running of the bulls. Outside one of the souvenir shops was this funny little bull. Interesting!
This is the street where they run the bulls.
At the head of the street there is this clock that counts down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the running of the bulls.
All the streets in Pamplona are amazing. They are living art withe the brightly colored buildings.

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