Saturday, May 21, 2022

Stage 10: SAN JUAN ORTEGA to BURGOS (17.25 miles; 60.59 miles this week; Total - 151.85 miles)

 Wow! The trail from San Juan de Ortega to Burgos was a tough one! Even though it started of fine, when we got to Atapuerca we had to climb this crazy hill. It was steep and rocky. To top it off it was hotter than normal so we were exhausted by the time we got to the top. The way down wasn't too bad. We were told that we might take a nicer route that avoided the small highway. Jannette and I took it for a while but it was devoid of any civilization where we might find food or, more importantly, bathrooms. We cut back down to the main trail that followed a small highway. The way was flat but walking along the side of the asphalt highway in the heat had its own set of challenges. Fortunately it is a rural road so not much traffic. When we got closer to Burgos we were supposed to veer off to the left and follow a forested park area for the remaining miles. Sadly, the path was cut off due to some work being done so we had to stay on the hotter trail that ran alongside the airport. Finally, within a few kilometers of Burgos, we got into the park. We got a little lost for a moment but stayed close to the river that runs through the city. We finally made it, hot and exhausted. Here are some photos leaving San Juan de Ortega and scenes from along the way:

The Iglesia de San Juan de Ortega at dawn as we left

Approaching Agés

In Agés we came across this barn with the painting of a goat appearing to stare out from a window! We see some of the most interesting things along the way.

Medieval bridge that some believe was built by San Juan de Ortega himself sometime in the early 12th century over the Río Vena.

Lovely church that presides on a hill over the city of Atapuerca

Despite the rocky terrain, there is always some beauty to be found.

Looking down from the mountain at Osmo

There are a lot of people who bike the trail. Needless to say, as we witnessed, many simply push their bikes up this hill!

Here we are at the top at a place called the Cruz de Malagrande.

Looking down into the valley below

This is that road that I mentioned above. A lot of pretty scenery; hot paved road!

We are always grateful to come across one of these water fountains set up for the pilgrims to fill their water bottles.

We are finally in the outskirts of Burgos walking along a very odd portion of the trail that leads through a little neighborhood and large industrial plant. Finally, we do cross a river and are in the park where we have shade.

Once in Burgos we go out with some of the students. First we go to the Iglesia de San Esteban that has been turned into a museum with intriguing altarpieces, paintings, sculptures and metal works in silver.

Right across from San Esteban is this house.

We then made our way down to the Cathedral.

And Jannette, Seth and I had churros with chocolate. In Spain the chocolate that have with churros is thick and really delicious.

At nightfall, the lights started to come on in the Cathedral's towers. More about our experience with the Cathedral in the next post.

 That is all regarding our arrival in Burgos! I will post the Saturday adventures soon.

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