Saturday, May 14, 2022

Stage 6: LOS ARCOS to LOGRONO (19 miles; WEEK 1 total miles - 91.26)

Today was our longest day so far. It was nineteen miles of moderately hilly paths. Of course the views were spectacular. Just as we were entering Logroño (about a mile and half from our hotel) we were hit by a strong rainstorm. There was considerable lightening and thunder. By the time we got to the hotel we were soaked. Must say that it was an interesting adventure.

Today's prompt:

Today we will visit one of the most interesting churches on the Camino at Torres del Río.  Find one element of the church (a capital, a word, a window, a sculpture, etc.) and look at it closely, 

Here is a picture of the church that we visited:

What fascinated me was the ceiling. The dome reminded me of the Mosque in Córdoba with its cross supports and use of trellis's over the small openings at the top. Truly it is a marvel to contemplate. Reputedly, pilgrims who died near this city were laid to rest in this church. We had the chance to sing here. the acoustics were amazing.

Here are other scenes from the day beginning with our departure from Los Arcos:


Not far from the exit from Los Arcos was a small cemetery with this written above the gate:

It says:
I who was
As you are [now]
You will be
As I am [now]
(dated 1847)

And the poppies along the trail just seem to get more and more spectacular!

We are getting into the serious wine producing area of Spain; a region called La Rioja

I love looking at olive trees, especially the older ones that have multiple grafts. I am always reminded of Jacob 5.

We came upon this "cairn" garden at a little crossroad and next to it was this tree covered in ribbons and flags. Pilgrim art and expression along the trail.

Some of our students have become fast friends with this couple from Bristol England. They are the most delightful couple and a blessing to us as we move together along the Camino.

We came across this chair and table along the side of the trail. On the chair were written these words:
"We live as we dream.
So be in peace with yourself.
Take a rest. You deserved it."

Seth took advantage of the moment to rest his feet.

We entered the city of Viana. The banner above the gate to the old city reads:
"Viana. 1219 - 2019"
The city is 800 years old! Here is one of the streets.

We have been in so many cities where there is something going on. In the plaza next to the church children were doing aerobics and people were drinking and socializing. We turned down a street to head out of the city and came on these ladies playing instruments with a group following behind. We think that it had to do with a cultural event that had just ended further up the street.

There are always interesting things to notice along the way like this graffiti wishing pilgrims a good journey...

Or memorials... like this one: It reads:

"In this location on 3 September 1936, 27 citizens from villages of Abalos and San Vicente de la Sonsierra, villages in La Rioja, were assassinated, victims of the Francoist repression. The people who forget their history are condemned to repeat it."

We are entering into the outskirts of Logroño. The signs marking the path are unique.

Below you can see the storm clouds gathering, hovering right over the city.

Below are just a couple of the houses that line the trail as we enter Logroño.

Welcome to Logroño!

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